

Pestpocken were founded in 1997, consisting of Andrea (Voc./Git.), Danny (Voc./Git.), Stine (Dr.) and Mirmo (Bass).

Inspired by German punk bands of the 82-era, the aim was to terrorize the neighborhood and piss everyone off with anger-fueled political punk-rock.

During their 13-years of existence, there were some “highlights” like touring Europe with the CASUALTIES in 2000 or the UK together with the DEAD END BOYS in 2006 or the self-organized 10-years-anniversary fest in Giessen 2007. Another adventurous happening for the band was the participation in the 2007 movie “Chaostage”.

The original bass-player Mirmo was replaced by Floppy in 2003. Chris joined in on second guitar in 2005. Floppy left the band in 2008, being replaced by Daniel, who was looking forward to play his first gig at the end of 2009. In spring 2010 Stine left the band and Max took over her drums.

Pestpocken released two 7” EPs („Freiheit oder Tod“ and „Virus BRD“), before Danny founded his own record-label „MANIAC ATTACK“ in 2003 to release the Pestpocken/Bad Nasty Split-LP in 2003. The first full album “Kein Ausweg” was released in December 2007 on MANIAC ATTACK RECORDS.


Wilhelmstr. 9 in 10963 Berlin - Xberg