

A long time ago, in 2006, there were two lonely guitar players. On a long night with their friends Jack, Jim and Johnnie, they hit on the idea to form a rock band. Shortly afterwards they wrote a few song drafts and some nice riffs.

Soon they realized that only two guitar players couldn’t form a decent rock band. So they searched for a drummer and found a suitable rookie on drums. The three of them jammed together and after a night with their common friends Jack, Jim and Johnnie, he eventually joined the band.

Still something was missing.

After a long time of meditation (drinking) they came up with a cunning plan: a real rock band needed a real bass player.

So they searched again and found a good singer. A singer? Well, since they were in search of a bass player they simply gave him a bass. And after another long night with their common friends Jack, Jim and Johnnie, he joined the band too.

Thus a new rock band was born.

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Wilhelmstr. 9 in 10963 Berlin - Xberg